S O L E A U S O F T W A R E presents ** B L O C K - M A N ** v1.0 Program by Doug and Larry Murk Copyright 1993 Requires: EGA/VGA & (Hard Disk Recommended) Files Needed: Bman1.ov0 Bman1.ov1 Bman1.ov2 Bman1.ov3 Bman1.ov4 Bman1.ov5 Bman1.ov6 Bman1.ov7 Bman1.ov8 Bman1.jft Bman1.exe Objective The objective of Block-man is to reach the doorway in each room. Block-man must lift and place blocks which are located in each room to accomplish his goal. Introduction Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Bentangle ruled by king Triangulos. The king loved to play with blocks ever since he was introduced to them in his childhood. When his daughter, Princess Pentagwin, came of age to marry, King Triangulos devised a brilliant plan to select a worthy husband. The king called all the best masons to his castle in order to construct 10 rooms. Blocks were placed in each room to help suitors reach the doorways, but the rooms were constructed in such a way that great ingenuity would be required to complete them. Block-man, a commoner in Bentangle, was in love with the princess so he went to the castle to win her hand. After entering the king's very first room, Block-man became overwhelmed by the challenge ahead of him. Maybe you can help Block-man overcome his challenge and meet his true love. MAIN MENU Game Key Commands A-J Type the letter of the level you wish to play. (Levels are sequential. Therefore to reach level B you must first solve level A) 1-6 Type the number of the skit you wish to view. V Type 'V' to view the IQ chart which shows your current Block-Man rating. S Type 'S' to switch the sound between on and off. X Type 'X' to exit Block-Man. ? Type '?' to view instruction screens. SOLUTIONS In this Shareware Version of Block-Man we have provide the Solutions to the first 5 puzzles. The solutions can be accessed by pressing the key and the Level Letter (A-E). BASIC COMMAND ACTIONS ________________________ LEFT ARROW BLOCK-MAN turns left and then attempts to move left RIGHT ARROW BLOCK-MAN turns right and then attempts to move right UP ARROW CLIMB BLOCK-MAN attempts to climb up one block in the direction he is facing GET/DROP If BLOCK-MAN is not already holding a block, he will attempt to pick one up in front of him. If BLOCK-MAN is already holding a block, he will attempt to drop it in front of him. HELP Display these help screens EXIT Exit the level ADVANCED COMMAND DESCRIPTION COMMAND KEY: DESCRIPTION: FAST LEFT SHIFT BLOCK-MAN turns left and moves left as far as possible FAST RIGHT SHIFT BLOCK-MAN turns right and moves right as far as possible FAST CLIMB SHIFT BLOCK-MAN climbs up as many blocks as possible in the direction he is facing UNDO U Undoes last command BOSS ESCAPE Clears screen in case your boss comes by SOUND S Toggle sound between on and off REDISPLAY R Redisplay the screen PRINT SCREEN P Sends current screen to a file (BMAN.OUT). After quitting Block-Man, just type 'PRINT BMAN.OUT'. Note: These advanced commands are only for convenience. The basic commands are all that are needed!!! * NOTE WINDOWS USERS * Running Block-man from Windows may cause unexpected results. The game should be played by loading it directly from the Dos prompt. * S O L E A U S O F T W A R E * Block-man is distributed as Shareware. You are welcome to give this game to your friends or local BBS. If you like Block-man and continue to use it, we ask you to register the game with us. Soleau Software depends on your registrations in order to continue providing an alternative to expensive commercial software. The registered version of Block-man for $14.00 greatly speeds up the loading and exiting of the program, has all the solutions included, plus gives you 13 new mind-bending levels. For those of you who want to create your own puzzles, for an extra $6.00 you can get the Block-man Construction Kit, which allows you to create and save your own puzzles for your friends and family to play! Your $14.00 registration of Block-man will instantly make you a Soleau Software Member. All members receive special discounts on our other games through special bonus package offers sent with your disk. Members also have the option to include an extra $6.00 dollars for our Member Game Pack which has EIGHT of our most popular Shareware EGA/VGA games on a High Density Floppy Disk. This offer is for Members Only, so please take the time to read the Bman_reg.doc file for details and register Block-man today ! We at Soleau Software thank you for your support and hope you will continue to enjoy this as well as our other Shareware products. Sincerely, William Soleau President Soleau Software 163 Amsterdam Avenue Suite 213 New York, NY 10023